Why Eat Local?

Why eat local?


10153616601293816There is a fast-growing movement toward consuming locally produced food. The members of this movement – the so-called locavores – recognize that there are food quality, health, economic, environmental, and social benefits to supporting local farmers who sell food directly to consumers.

We welcome locavores to our web site. They care about the environment and appreciate excellent food. They like knowing where their food comes from, and they enjoy talking to the farmers who produce it. Locavores take their concern for the “way things should be” a step farther than many of us by choosing to spend their grocery budgets in ways that support the causes they care about.

Locavores want to make sure their local farms and orchards don’t get turned into housing developments and industrial parks. They support local farmers so that there will always be an alternative to industrial agriculture. Locavores support environmentally responsible agriculture practices that protect the environment. It is in large part thanks to locavores that Stafford County farms, orchards, and apiaries will continue to thrive in our ever-growing county.

Are you a locavore?